Current social circumstances and many hours of required training provide disincentives and few incentives to volunteer. A Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) is a real, practical, and effective incentive. LOSAPs have been proven successful in arresting the effects of declining volunteerism. Observable proof is in the effects seen nearby in Vestal's volunteer fire department. A LOSAP not only encourages those who are currently volunteers to continue volunteering, it also encourages people to volunteer.
In operation, the program is like a Defined Contribution Pension Plan (like an IRA or 401(k)). For each year in which an active volunteer member of the Owego EMS Department earns a service credit, the Village deposits $1,200 to that volunteer’s Service Award Program account. Up to 40 year-of-service credits are allowed. These contributions are invested. The volunteer's account grows with investment income over time.
The value of the volunteer’s account is payable to the volunteer on or after age sixty-two (62). Volunteers who become disabled before age 62 are paid their program account balance. Upon the death of a 100% vested volunteer before age 62, the volunteer’s vested account balance is paid to the beneficiary.
Each year, to earn a year-of-service credit, a volunteer must earn a minimum of 50 points under the New York State mandated point system. An Owego EMS volunteer earns points for example by being on call to respond to calls, responding to calls, attending meetings and trainings, completing a one-year term as an officer, and for other EMS related activities.
The law requires a Village referendum. Registered voters, who had resided in the Village of Owego for at least 30 days, were eligible to vote in favor of or against the establishment of this volunteer service incentive program (BALLOT PROPOSITION). The proposition was put to the voters at the Village Election that held on March 19, 2024. It passed.
New York State political subdivisions have been able to establish service award programs for their volunteer firefighters since 1990, and volunteer ambulance workers since 1994. LOSAPs are intended to help recruit and retain active volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers.
The program is administered by the Office of the NYS Comptroller. The NYS Comptroller invests the program funds through Glens Falls National Bank, the Program Trustee. Penflex, Actuarial Services LLC of Latham, New York is under a State contract to be the Program Administrator.
No Village tax revenue is required. All expenses are paid out of the EMS Department's revenues from billing for ambulance transports. Calendar year 2024 is the first year that volunteers can earn required points under the Service Award Program point system. In calendar year 2025 and following, revenue from the Village's EMS Department's ambulance service will fund the Program. For current number of volunteers, the annual cost of the program is estimated to be $46,800. The annual cost of administration for the program is $1,677.
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